There were an obscene number of mosquitoes today. All the water we're moving through the winery for cleanup and whatnot makes for perfect breeding conditions for them, and unlike the mosquitoes that I'm used to, who come out generally in the early morning and the evening, the French seem to have developed a supermosquito that could give a rat's ass that it's hot outside, and will eat you alive regardless. I'm very itchy.
We also pumped the remaining finished marsanne and roussanne out of the cuves in order to gather all of the lees to be used to help along a cuve of syrah that's currently stopped fermenting.
After work I went to the grocery store, and I finally figured out why I can never find a shopping cart. Bags are also hard to find. It seems the French have decided that the best way to make sure everybody remembers to bring their own bags when shopping is just to not have bags at the checkout. I'd seen shopping cart return in the parking lot, and I'd seen people with carts in the supermarket, but I'd spent the first five minutes of every shopping trip so far looking for carts at every entrance, with no luck. It turns out they're not free. You have to put a one-euro coin in the cart in the cart repository in the parking lot to free it from it's fellows. Or find one that somebody else didn't return to it's resting place. So that pretty much eats, but at least now I know.
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