I'm working with 3 other guys here:
This morning Nathalie gave the Morroccans a break and had Jordan empty the cuve, and since most cuves take 2 pressings to empty, Nick got the honors in the afternoon. Tomorrow morning is my turn.
Today I also added sulfur to a wine for the first time, which smells a bit like lighting 1000 matches and then sniffing the smoke. After nearly adding way too much because I confused milliliters with centiliters, I got the job done. I thought it important to note exactly how much was used too, considering all the hubbub out there about sulfite allergies and whatnot these days. I used 150ml of an 18% solution in a 35 hectoliter tank, which works out to about 0.000007714258%, or roughly 0.07 parts per million. Later I found out that sulfur is actually added at several different points during the winemaking process, but still, even if they put in ten times as much by the time the wine is done, that still only makes .7ppm.
Anyway, we've got everything cleaned and prepped for tomorrow now, and I've got to go grocery shopping. I'm out of baguette, and it just wouldn't be very French of me not to have baguette in the house. I think I need cheese too, come to think of it. Here's hoping my computer is finished tomorrow!
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